I think the trick to walking meditations is to eliminate monotony by constantly checking in with the senses. What am I seeing? What am I feeling? Did my dog just eat a frog? No!? Lets take a deep breath. Mindful movement is not much different than than what one experiences in Yoga or traditional meditation. You can't get "lazy", meaning you can't let the exercise become separate from the workings of the mind. Both work in unison, and it requires effort on the part of the meditator to keep the focus on the present. All to often we use that walk as a way to get away from ourselves. But the walking meditation is a walk TO our present, to the only time and place where we ever really are. We must use the experience of walking as the focus. By paying close attention to our movements and inner state, along with all the sounds and sensations of the environment, we become “in the moment.”